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Dogs Home > Purebred Dog Bios > Harvey the Coton De Tulear

Harvey's Bio

joined 2/25/2010

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Coton De Tulear
Harvey the White & Tan Male Coton De Tulear / Stands 14 inches tall / Weighs 12 lbs / Born 12/18/2003 in Chicago, IL / Lives with K94Life in Springfield, IL (United States)


Yes (Spay & Neuter Information)
Yes (Microchipping Information)
Puppy-Bear, Savage Beastie, Woofem, Mr. Harvey, Harvey-Warvles, Noggy, and Mr. Woofem
Came From
He's calm and laid-back, but knows how to have a good time.
Favorite Toy
Anything that squeaks that he hasn't broken yet. He loves his squeaky heart.
Favorite Hobby
Playing with a toy with his people.
Favorite Food
Anything he's not supposed to eat, i.e. rabbit poo.
Favorite Treat
Science diet jerky treats.
Favorite Trick
I sat. Now gimme my treat!
Favorite Place To Sleep
On the couch, snuggled against me.
Favorite Place To Play
The livingroom.
Favorite Place To Walk
The park.
His family, his toys, chasing ducks, playing in the snow, other dogs (sometimes), and attention.
Squirrels, joggers, competition, the vet, rain, baths, surprises, and squirrels again.
Harvey's Story & Details
Harvey was born in a litter of two, very uncommon, and his brother (the runt) was very ill. His mother rejected him, favoring his much weaker brother. Harvey was raised by the breeders, who nicknamed him "Bruiser" for his large size for the breed. His brother passed away a few days after his birth, and Harvey's mother accepted him a few days later, almost 14 days after he was born. He was adopted by my family when he was a few months old, and we love him dearly.

Harvey's Puppy Pad

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