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Member Profile


 Location:El Reno, OK (United States)

Purebred Dogs

Name:Billie GirlView My Bio
Breed:Australian Cattle DogView My Gallery
Age:18 years 4 months 10 days
Name:Moon DawgView My Bio
Breed:American Pit Bull TerrierView My Gallery
Age:15 years 7 months 6 days

Mixed Breed Dogs (Compliments of

Name:LuckyView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:Moon JuniorView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:FaithView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:LoveView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:Camouflage GirlView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:SageView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days
Name:PatchieView My Bio
Breed:Pit HeelerView My Gallery
Age:14 years 5 months 12 days

Recent Blogs

New Additions!!!!

Well, my ACD had her puppies on February 16th 2010. The first one was born at 821pm and the last one was born at 1208am. They are 1/2 ACD 1/2 APBT. They already have names. The two males are Gibbous (because his eye patch looks like a 3/4 moon) and Suez (Zeus spelled backwards; 1st born). The females have been named: Love (has a perfect heart spot between eye and ear; last born), Patchie (only has a small black patch near her eye), Faith, Sage and Hope. Faith, Sage and Hope all look alike. Right now they are 9 days old and white with a very faint hint of blue color. All have blue coloring on their paws. I believe that they will be faint blue color if not dark blue (like a true blue ACD).

Read more blogs by ACDnAPBTmomma | Read more blogs in Best Post

Posted: 2/24/2010 2:19:29 PM

Recent Discussion Posts

ACL tear/kneecap dislocation?

ACL tear/kneecap dislocation? | American Pit Bull Terrier

Posted: 1/27/2010 4:41:54 PM

hello from Billie Girl, Moon Dawg and me

hello from Billie Girl, Moon Dawg and me | New Members

Posted: 1/27/2010 4:39:40 PM

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