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Add your Dog

Add Your Dog To Our Purebred Dog Community

To Add your dog to our community, login to your account. If you are not a member of one of our Dog Communities, Join Now.

Join our Purebred Dog Community | Join our Mixed Breed Dog Community

After successfully logging into your account follow these steps to add your Dog:

  1. Cick the Add a Dog link under the My Dogs section on your Account Page.
  2. On the next page enter all of the required information about your dog (ie: Name, Breed, Gender, Birth Date, Height & Weight).
  3. You may then enter information in any of the optional fields.
    *The more information you enter the better our other member and visitors can get to know your dog.
  4. After you have entered all your dog's information click the Submit button.
  5. You should receive a message saying your informaiton was saved successfully.
You can now start uploading pictures to your Dog's Photo Gallery .

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