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Breeds Home > Breed List > Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute Breed Information

Alaskan Malamute

Recognized By: ACR , AKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC , UKC
Mispellings: Alaskan Malimute, Alaskan Mallamute, Alaskan Malimuit, Alaskan Malemute, Alaskan Malumute

Caring for a Alaskan Malamute

Feeding: Malamutes don't require lots of food for their size. They normally eat what is given to them very quickly without regard. This can lead to obesity and bloating if not monitored.

Living with a Alaskan Malamute

Temperament: The Alaskan Malamute is a very friendly, affectionate and playful dog with an expression and feeling of dignity about them.

Family Dog: Malamutes do well with older children who can play safely with them. They should be supervised around other animals, especially small pets. Some Malamutes are very territorial around other dogs and should be socialized very young.

Shedding: Malamutes are very heavy shedders with extreme shedding periods twice a year. Bathing is most unnecessary, as the coat sheds dirt readily.

Grooming: Alaskan Malamutes should be brushed at least twice a week. Bathing a Malamute is almost never needed because of their resistant coat. Dry shampooing occasionally is recommended.

Training: It can be difficult to train a Malamute in formal obedience. They are typically easy train them to be well-mannered because they love to please. Some Malamutes may be difficult to housebreak.

Barking: Malamutes generally quiet compared to most dogs but some occasionally howl.

Weather: Malamutes do fine in cold temperatures because of their thick coat. Care should be taken to keep them cool in hot climates.

Exercise: Malamutes need daily walks and exercise.

Living Conditions: Malamutes are happiest living outdoors with proper human interaction and companionship. They have also adapted to live indoors with their family. They are not recommended for apartment life as they really need a large yard to run in. A high fence is recommended. The base should be buried because they love to dig.

Alaskan Malamute Appearance

Appearance: The Alaskan Malamute is an Arctic sled dog. They have a powerful and substantial build. The Alaskan Malamute's head is held erect with their eyes alert and always showing curiosity. The ears are triangular in shape and stand erect. The Alaskan Malamute has a bulky muzzle of moderate length. They have a thick, coarse coat that can be various colors. The tail carried high over the back and has the appearance of a plume.

Size: Male Malamutes are around 25 inches tall at the shoulders and weigh around 85 pounds. Females are slightly shorter at around 23 inches tall with an average weight of 75 pounds.

Companionship: Malamutes are very loyal and devoted companions.

Head: The Malamutes head is broad, deep with moderate rounding between the ears. It should be proportionate to the size of the dog. Their expression should be soft giving an affectionate look.

Nose: The nose should be black in color in all Malamutes except reds where it may be brown in color.

Eyes: The Alaskan Malamute's eyes are placed obliquely in the skull and should be brown in color, medium in size and almond in shape. The rims should be black in color, except in red coated Malamutes where it may be of brown pigment.

Ears: An Alaskan Malamute's ears should be medium in size but seem small in proportion to the head. They are triangular in shape with a slight rounding at the tip. The ears are spaced widely on the head. The Malamute's ears should be erect and point slightly forward. When the dog is at work, the ears may be folded down against the skull.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Alaskan Malamute is large and bulky compared to the size of the head. It should gradually narrow from the face to the nose. The Alaskan Malamutes lips should be black or brown in red coated dogs.

Teeth/Bite: Malamutes have broad jaws with large teeth that meet in a scissors bite.

Neck: The Alaskan Malamute's neck is strong with moderate arch.

Body: The Alaskan Malamute's body is compact with the length slightly greater than its height at the shoulders. The body should be lean and free from excess weight. The chest is well-developed. The topline should be straight with a gentle slope toward the hips.

Forequarters: The shoulders of a Malamute should slope moderately into the body. The legs should be muscular.

Hindquarters: The Malamutes rear legs are very powerful and heavily muscled. They move true in line with the front legs when standing or in motion. The rear dewclaws should be removed shortly after birth.

Gait: The Malamute should have balanced, steady and powerful gait. They are agile dogs for their size. The rear legs give a powerful drive. The front legs should appear to be moving in a smooth reaching stride. The legs move true in line properly spaced converging toward the centerline when in fast motion.

Feet: The Malamute's feet are of the snowshoe type being tight and deep with well-cushioned pads. They are large with well arched toes and protective hair growing between the toes. The pads should be thick and tough with strong toenails.

Tail: The Malamutes tail should be set moderately and follow the line of the spine. It should be carried over the back. The Malamute's tail has a plume-like appearance.

Color: Malamutes usually have a light gray to black or sable coat. Typical colors are white, black & white, wolf gray, wolf sable or red. The undercoats, points and trimmings may be a combination of colors but the only solid color should be white. White should be the predominant color on underside of the body, legs, feet, and markings on the face. Malamutes may have a white blaze on their forehead, collar or nape of the neck.

Coat: The Malamute has a thick, coarse coat. Their undercoat is woolly and dense. Both coats can vary in length from about one to three inches. They are relatively short to medium length on the sides of the body. The length of the coat on the shoulders, neck, back and rump is longer in length. The tail with its plume like appearance has the longest hair. The Malamute's coat is usually shorter and less dense during the summer.

Alaskan Malamute Facts

Category: Northern, AKC Working

Life Expectancy: Alaskan Malamutes typically live to be 12 to 15 years of age.

Characteristics: Malamutes require lots of attention. Without proper attention they may become destructive.

Alaskan Malamute Health

Health: Alaskan Malamutes are generally very healthy. They may be prone to hip dysplasia, chondrodysplasia (dwarfism) and bloating.

Litter Size: Alaskan Malamutes usually have a litter of 6 puppies.

Alaskan Malamute History

History: The Alaskan Malamute is a Nordic dog that descended from the Arctic wolf. Their name comes from Mahlemuts which is an Alaskan tribe that originally bred and cared for these dogs. They were originally used 2000 to 3000 years ago by the Mahlemuit Eskimo as a form of transportation. They were used to pull their sleds. Malamutes have participated in many polar expeditions. They have great power a keen sense of direction and an excellent sense of smell. Malamutes have even been featured in works of literature by Jack London and Rudyard Kipling.

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