Submit a Photo

Add Your Dog's Photo to the Gallery

To Add your dog's photo to the gallery you first need to login to your account. If you are not part of our community yet, join now.

After successfully logging into your account follow these steps to add your Dog's picture to the Photo Gallery:

  1. If you have not already, you must add your dog.
  2. Once you dog has been added click on the Add a Pic link under their name on your Account Page.
  3. Choose the photo you wish to upload by clicking the Browse button. Locate the picture on your computer and click ok.
  4. Enter the caption for the photo if you wish.
  5. Check the Make this the Bio Picture for checkbox if you want this to be the picture that appears in your dog's bio.
  6. Click the Preview button. This will display a preview of the picture you have selected as it will appear in the Photo Gallery. If you are happy with the picture click the Upload button to finish the upload process. If you want to change pictures or or do not wish to continue uploading the current picture press the Cancel button to choose another picture.

After uploading your picture you should see a message saying your picture was uploaded successfully. In order to keep inappropriate pictures from making their way into our photo gallery we mannually review all pictures that are submitted before they are visible to the public. We try to post pictures every evening, but occassionally it may be the next day before your picture becomes visible in the Photo Gallery. The picture is still visible to you in your account and you can change the caption, bio setting, etc even before the picture gets posted. If you have any trouble our questions, please Contact Us.

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